Friday, March 4, 2016

One of Life's Most Cliché Lesson: Letting Go

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RISE AND SHINE: An old snapshot of my journal on an early December morning.

We must learn how to let go.

Let go of the past, let go of his hand, let go of that fist you clenched so tight, let go of that feeling you had six years ago - no matter how great it must have felt. Accept the fact that things are only temporary, and they come and go. Forever does not exist. It will only bring you peace and happiness. Even the hands - our hands - know how to let go. Learn from them. Learn to let go the way your hands let go of the things that are too hot and will burn you. Let go the way your hands let go of the monkey bars when they can’t hold any longer. Let go the way your hands let go of his when you two depart. Let go the way his hands let go of hers to be with you. Let go the way your hands let go of this pen so you can go back to sleep because you’re tired. Let the painful, sorrowful memories go. I know you like to afflict yourself with the past, but please do not. Learn from them, yes, but do not let them do harm to you the same way they did in the past.

Nothing is forever.

If you pay attention to the things around you, you will know. Letting go is a part of life (as cliche as it sounds) - things break, burn, and die little by little, petal by petal, flesh by flesh, everyday like the mountains that are beautifully made only to crumble.
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